Shauna Matkovich

Shauna Matkovich photo

Shauna Matkovich

Founding Director
The Forestlink

Shauna Matkovich is a Forester and sustainability expert with more than 15 years working in cross-continental sustainable forest management, global forest investment management, and agricultural development with an expertise in tropical developing countries. Shauna founded The ForestLink, where she provides consultancy and advisory services in support of investors and project developers to mobilize funding to impactful and profitable forest businesses in the tropics, and assist them in both developing and executing their respective programs. She has worked for one of the world’s leading forest investment companies, as well as with several forest industry companies. Shauna first studied as a Forester at the University of British Columbia, and since has earned a double Master of Science in Agricultural Development from the University of Copenhagen, and Tropical Forest Management from the Technical University of Dresden.

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The Emergence of Biodiversity Credits

CIFB Oct 2024Watch session

The Transition from Traditional Timber to Scaled Impact Forestry

FAIS Jun 2024Watch session

The Climate Emergency and the Role of Forest Investments

FAIS Nov 2022Watch session

The Value of Integrated Reporting

CIFB Sep 2022Watch session