Paul Brannen

Paul Brannen photo

Paul Brannen

Director Public Affairs
CEI-Bois & EOS European woodworking & sawmills

Paul leads the advocacy engagement of the European woodworking and sawmill industries towards the European institutions especially the Parliament and the Commission. Increasing the use of sustainable wood products in construction and in The Renovation Wave are the priorities with their contribution to helping tackle climate change being central. Paul is a former UK MEP who in the last parliament served on both the Environment Committee and the Agriculture Committee. He led for the Socialists & Democrats political grouping on forestry and timber issues and was a rapporteur on the last EU forest strategy and on the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry legislation where he was instrumental in achieving the inclusion of the promotion of long-life harvested wood products, particularly engineered timbers, for use in the construction industry. Paul was also vice chair of the Club de Bois. Before becoming an MEP Paul worked for the development charity Christian Aid as head of advocacy work

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Investing in Western European Forestry

FAIS Nov 2021Watch session