David Craig

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David Craig

CO Chair
Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures - TNFD

David has 30 years of experience in financial markets data, analytics and technology and is seen as a leading expert in the data and market infrastructure required to drive sustainable markets.
David Craig is the Co-Chair of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and Advisory Board member of the Sustainable Markets Initiative (SMI) launched by His Majesty King Charles III. He is a member of the IAPB (International Advisory Panel for Biodiversity Credits) leading the work on measurement and has led numerous projects and groups with TheCityUK and the World Economic Forum on global finance, innovation and technology.
David was the former founder and CEO of Refinitiv, one of the largest data and technology platform providers to financial markets operating in over 160 countries. Following the acquisition of Refinitiv by London Stock Exchange Group for $27B in 2021, he become head of LSEG’s Data and Analytics Division.
He was previously founder and CEO of the Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) business and head of strategy at Thomson Reuters and Reuters plc. Prior to these roles he spent 8 years as a partner at McKinsey focusing on technology and financial services clients, and was a software developer for American Management Systems.
David is a private investor in natural capital technology firms, Board Advisor and chairs the Triple Private Equity Investment Committee of. He is a director of the Green Finance Institute PMO, and is a Trustee at the Natural History Museum supporting Innovation and Data.

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