Liliana Martinez Sarmiento

Liliana Martinez Sarmiento photo

Liliana Martinez Sarmiento

Head of Project Implementation
South Pole

Liliana is a leader in the integral management of strategic ecosystems (especially paramos, Andean forests, and wetlands), protected areas, and watersheds. As the Lead Expert for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services and director of Project Implementation, Liliana currently leads the development of compensation schemes for environmental services and biodiversity, including the development of monitoring systems. Liliana has promoted and led the design and implementation of territorial planning instruments, focused on the sustainability of ecosystems, risk management, ecosystem service distribution, conservation incentive implementation, systems monitoring, and the identification of climate change challenges, for both the public and private sectors.

As manager of a Water Fund, Liliana led a group of professionals and together theyto worked with private companies, communities, and the public sector, in promoting the conservation of supply water systems for the city of BogotaBogotá city and its area of influence, through the establishment of alliances between main users whose demand for water resources increases constantly and the communities in the upper watersheds. She led the design of the monitoring system for the Water Fund, including social, environmental and economic indicators. In addition, she has experience in public relations, social management, social investment, and climate finance.

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