Integrity Global Partners

Integrity Global Partners

Integrity Global Partners’ (IGP) mission is to bring together the necessary expertise to accelerate the implementation of high-quality nature-based projects and jurisdictional programs; and to enable project developers and governments to access the fair and equitable financing they need through global carbon and environmental markets.

IGP is a mission driven firm working with select investment firms and capital providers aiming to deploy long-term equitable capital in the nature-based solutions space developing a large pipeline of nature-based projects and jurisdictional-scale programs.

Along with its strategic partners, IGP advises on the design, facilitates deployment of capital, brings state-of-the-art technology, executes projects and provides capacity building for local project operators and government entities on the development of high quality nested and/or jurisdictional-scale carbon and other environmental programs.

We are a global hub aiming to increase transparency and raising the standards on quality across the global voluntary carbon markets ensuring projects and programs are designed with high-integrity, fairness and transparency in how revenues are shared with governments and local communities who live across these landscapes.

Partners in Global Hub currently include:

  • Capital providers to bring the pre-financing necessary to start and implement NBS projects and programs
  • Carbon Development companies working under project level and jurisdictional standards such as ART TREES and Verra’s JNR standards
  • Technology providers using state-of-the-art remote sensing and GIS for measuring historical baselines and MRV
  • Blockchain solutions that bring transparency to carbon credits and benefits sharing, and
  • Project Execution partners with in-country expertise as well as those that work across a multitude of jurisdictions (e.g. cookstoves, forestry)

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How to Fill the Gap of Financing Needed for Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change

FAIS May 2023Watch session


Roopal Kanabar

Landscape Finance Lab

Karin Berardo

Co-Founder & Chief Financial Officer
Integrity Global Partners

Edit Kiss

Co-Founder and Chief Commercial Officer
Integrity Global Partners