Rik Sools

Rik Sools photo

Rik Sools

Technical Director and Investment Manager
Form International

Rik is a forest management professional with a master’s degree in Forest and Nature Conservation. As Technical Director Rik delivers technical assistance to investors, private and public sector clients, as well as NGOs. In his role as Project Director for Form Peru he is amongst others responsible for the structuring of the project investments. Rik has over 15 years’ experience in the fields of Forest Landscape Restoration and Sustainable Forestry Investments. He has held various management positions within Form International, including multiyear forest management and technical assistance for the design and implementation of forest landscape restoration projects in Ghana. Part of this was to obtain and structure a substantial blended finance package, including a 24 Million US$ senior debt facility from the African Development Bank.

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The Eight Benefits of a Well-Designed and Implemented ARR Project

CIFB Oct 2023Watch session