Pina Gervassi

Pina Gervassi photo

Pina Gervassi

Climate and Restoration Engagement Director

Mrs. Gervassi is a Peruvian forester with a master's degree in environmental sciences. She has 15 years’ experience in issues related to forest certification, from the technical and implementation side to market development and corporate engagement for the promotion of responsible forest management.
Mrs. Gervassi has extensive international experience. She has worked in long-term positions in Argentina, Peru, Germany and Australia.

In her previous position as FSC Regional Director for Latin America, her role was focused on developing enabling conditions and support for the growth of FSC in the region including the re-establishment of formal FSC representation in Mexico. At the moment, the Latin American region has more than 15 million hectares FSC certified.

As Climate and Restoration Director, Ms Gervassi leads strategic position of FSC in the Global Climate and Restoration agenda, develop advocacy actions with governments and the private sector and deliver co – created solutions to tackle the current climate and biodiversity actions in alliance with key partners.

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Perspectives on Carbon and Biodiversity

CIFB Oct 2023Watch session