Mauricio Serna

Mauricio Serna
Lead Specialist - Voluntary Markets
Mauricio is a Biologist with emphasis on conservation and sustainable development, he has complementary studies in climate and biodiversity finance, anthropology and GIS. Mauricio is passionate about biodiversity conservation, wildlife monitoring and searching for economic alternatives for conservation projects in highly threaten ecosystems.
Mauricio has been working in Terrasos for 4 years, structuring new Habitat Banks and helping companies from the Colombian regulated market meet their environmental obligations and biodiversity offsets. More recently, he participated in the working group that design the methodology and the Protocol for issuing Voluntary Biodiversity Credits, and is the lead specialist in Terrasos for Voluntary Markets.
Mauricio is also the co-founder and landowner of El Globo Nature Reserve, a conservation initiative that seeks to find innovative ways to keep the planet in the safe operating space of planetary boundaries.
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